The CRPG Book

I just received this in the mail today. I haven’t been able to get through a lot of the book yet (There is a lot here) but just wanted to share what an amazing collection this is. It delves into the history of computer role playing games from 1975 to 2015 in over 500 pages, with full colour screenshots of all the classics we remember. Such as the Ultima series, Wizardry, The Bard’s Tale, etc…
I got the collector’s edition which also came with a large poster and a book of graphing paper for dungeon mapping. Brilliant. Very happy with this purchase, and it already has me thinking about my next home-brew projects. 🙂
Collector’s Edition Poster The CRPG Book Cover Sleeve Dungeon Map Pad Might and Magic The Bard’s Tale The CRPG Book
I can’t recommend this book enough if you are a RPG fan. You can preorder this book here if you are interested. I’m not being paid for this in any way, just love the book!